The CCP (Chinese Communist Party): Supreme Enemy of Mankind
"They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom"
The CCP (Chinese Communist Party): Supreme Enemy of Mankind- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Communist China is certainly one of the most tyrannical, dictatorial, fascist police states in the world. This regime willfully and maliciously violates citizen's privacy and dignity
and has, in essence, thoroughly imprisoned its population into a gigantic national police state prison.
The fallen angel Lucifer, otherwise known as Satan or the Devil, has his etheric headquarters in the nation of China (Yes, we live in a world that has experienced the Biblical "Fall" of roughly 1/3rd of the heavenly angels from Heaven).
China is the nation of the dragon and harbors the "seething energies of Lucifer" as recorded by Albert Pike in his classic book, "Morals and Dogma". These seething energies can be witnessed in many of the martial arts styles practiced in China today with regards to the concentration of "chi" energy used for strength and for force projection. Metaphysically and spiritually, the nation of China and a majority of its people are in the greatest level of conflict and confrontation with the Most High God in Heaven.
Yet, China has a growing Christian (and Muslim) population and may soon harbor the greatest number of christians of any nation on Earth, due to its scheer numbers and large 1. 5 billion population base. India, though,
has recently surpassed China as being the most populous nation on Earth.
Thus said, the evil, tyrannical, dictatorial energy coming out of China today is one that is hell bent on destroying the many good rights and civil liberties esconed by Law in countries such as the United States of America, which prides itself on the essential qualities of freedom and liberty (at least on paper). As such, China is primarily at War with the USA (and the West), both physically, metaphysically and spiritually. The Chinese Communist Party (the CCP) rejects the right to free speech, the right to peaceably protest, the right to question authority and the right to freely practice one's faith or religion (the persecution of the Falun Gong movement being a case in point). This nation terrorizes its citizens into compliance, many times by force, extreme coercion and/or through blackmail.
The digital QR code system of buying and selling permeates China's society today. One can literally not survive in China today unless one has a personal digital ID/QR code tied to one's smart phone. In order to live or engage in any form of commerce in China, this is increasingly required. As a result, most of China's citizen's today live in a digital ID/QR code digital police state prison, and this system is spreading its tentacles like a cancer to nations such as the USA (and the West) who have traditionally respected and defended their citizen's right to live free from any form of state imposed tyranny. China has, in essence, become the heart and soul of the digital ID/QR code digital tyranny revolution worldwide and has therefore become the supreme enemy of free humanity, as well as, the Most High God of Heaven. This nation is an abomination before the Creator.
On a state environmental level, China is one of the world's worst polluters. The nation of China today puts out the greatest levels of CO2 into the global atmosphere, followed closely by the USA. China is building and turning on 1-2 new coal powered power plants EVERY WEEK. Coal is the dirtiest fossil fuel in existence as it puts out the highest levels of carbon dioxide (and other toxic wastes) of any other known hydrocarbon energy source. Beijing, China has the notorius honor of being the most polluted city on Earth due mainly to its burning of coal. Both China and the USA are the biggest CO2 emmiters on the planet.
The nation of China currently enslaves up to 3 million muslim Uyghurs in its northern provinces who are used mainly for slave labor. The nation also harvests body parts from both live and dead chinese citizen's without their knowledge, permission or consent. Roving vans are known to drive around chinese cities and pick up unsuspecting citizen's just to harvest their body parts. The Falun Gong movement is particularily targeted for these state sanctioned operations. Both slave labor and the harvesting of body parts for profit are the supreme definition of "barbaric" and should be widely condemned worldwide for the inhumane and utterly satanic practices that they are.
China currently has the largest camera surveillance network in the world. Their "Sharp Eyes" program seeks to spy upon, surveil, track, identify through facial recognition, monitor, record and analyze citizens in 50 of China's largest cities. China is consolidating its authoritarian police state presence, along with AI (artificial intelligence), Big Data, 5G, the Internet of things, and facial recognition technologies, to create a vast national spy and surveillance infrastructure and database to continue to oppress and control its citizenry. China is already the world's leader in facial recognition technology and is planning a vast array of hundreds of millions of more cameras in its network to identify, track, monitor and continue to violate the human rights and privacy of its citizens. Already, through the use of facial recognition biometrics, citizens are purchasing goods, checking in at airports and withdrawing cash from ATM's. Today, many of China's local police wear facial recognition body cameras and glasses equiped with facial recognition technology.
China's tyrannical QR code cashless money revolution has been accomplished primarily with the ubiquitous smart phone. A red QR code (which millions of chinese citizens now possess) signifies that a citizen either cannot leave their immediate community or will be exiled to a digital concentration camp gulag for further processing at some future location. China's new international payment system (CIPS) is China's alternative to the West's SWIFT and CHIPS international payment system. A member of the BRICS Alliance, China is already the world's largest economy with roughly 20% of the world's GDP at $27.7 trillion as compared to the USA's $22.3 trillion.
Truly, China is the next global superpower for the 21st century. The BRICS Alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), along with 40-140 of the world's other nations, seek an alternative international economic order separate from the current western dominated financial system. That new economic system is scheduled to go online in August, 2023 and will be primarily a new gold backed digital CBDC currency. It must be stated that BRICS is fossil fuel based with Russia being one of the world's major producers of oil and China being one of the world's largest consumers of oil. It will be
interesting to watch the interface between the rise of the BRICS based Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and the $400 TRILLION dollar/euro green energy economic transition that is being spearheaded by the West, particularily the European Union in its efforts to establish a new Green World Order in the coming years and decades. In my estimation, the European Union will eventually become integrated within the new BRICS Alliance and the Eurasian Economic Union over time, so much so, that the integration of both the East and the West will most likely converge into a kind of Yin/Yang, Democractic/Socialist type of Earth Federation/World Government in the very near future.
Overall, China is a prime example of a country, a nation and a system that should NOT be duplicated or re-developed elsewhere, even though it is being held up by the International Rothschild Banking Cartel (who owns China's national central bank) as a template for all other nations to emulate. Technology should be used to liberate, not enslave a people, a nation or a group of nations such as the BRICS Alliance within the context of the Eurasian Economic Union (and elsewhere). A new global/digital internet ID, as it is now being proposed by the World Economic Forum and others, will lead to a level of dictatorial, authoritarian police state tyranny the likes of which has never been seen in all of human history. Already, in the USA and elsewhere, QR codes are being required for entering and shopping at some grocery stores (Whole Foods). As well, biometric identification is being increasingly mandated at airports in America and throughout the world in order to be able to fly. If this digital police state tyranny continues to be promoted, developed and mandated, it will only lead to a digital "mark of the beast" revelational economic system of buying and selling as foretold in Scripture (Holy Bible, New Testament, Revelations 13). It is no suprise that the nation of China, itself, is the world's leader in spearheading a new digitial economic "mark of the beast" system of dictatorial police state control with the digitial/global internet ID as its foundation.
China, the CCP (the Chinese Communist Party) and the majority of its citizens who submit to state tyranny, are now become the supreme enemy of Mankind. Lucifer's angels may control world events through the hearts and minds of men, but the light at the end of the tunnel is the Kingdom of Heaven, who, as revealed in Holy Scripture, will confront this evil, wicked and perverse generation with unquenchable FIRE at the end of time.
Steve Jones
aka- Jonas the Prophet
Prophet/Global Environmentalist
Bern, Switzerland