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Earth Federation

"the only true prophets are those who carve out the future"
-James Connelly (Irish Revolutionary)

"We already have the means to travel amongst the stars"
-Ben Rich (former head of Lockheed Skunkworks)


Human evolution has now progressed to the point where the human species is now required to form a one world government in order to survive the numerous trials and tribulations now threatening all life on Earth.

First priority is to form a World Security Council comprised of 12 members with an additional executive position overseeing the decisions, arguements and compromises of the executive 12 member council.

I propose the 12 members be comprised of the following countries/blocs of nations: 1) Canada and the USA, 2) The European Union (EU), 3) Japan, 4) The African Union, 5) China, 6) Russia, 7) India, 8) Mexico, Central and South America, 9) Australia, New Zealand and the Island Nations, 10) The Middle East Bloc: Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey and the Gulf Nations 11) The Central Eurasian Bloc: Kazakhstan, Iran and the "Stans", 12) Indonesian Archipelago: Phillipines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia. There can be give or take on this list, but the objective is to represent all of the peoples of the Earth.

Second, its time to superceed the United Nations infrastructure and form a new Earth Federation, complete with a new flag, a world headquarters (I recommend Switzerland) and an array of newly instituted financial, technological, developmental, environmental, informational, educational, social, political and religious institutions and agencies. Nationalism and nation states will retain their unique cultural, geographic and historical heritage and identity, but be united with all nations and peoples of the world through a newly instituted Earth Federation.

Third, and this is a very critical point: that unless we unite as a species and end our warmongering amongst each other, we will NOT survive the 21st century. The weapons nations weild today are species extinction weapons. Therefore, in the interests of planetary survival and species continuity, war as a means of resolving conflicts MUST become obselete. The unity, survival and continuity of life on Earth must become first priority, especially in areas of conflict between nations and ideologies.

A major central organizing principle in forming an Earth Federation will be to confront the 3 greatest threats facing human civilization today: 1) Global Climate Change, 2) Overpopulation, 3) Energy and Resource Scarcity.

Global Climate Change is inarguably the #1 international security threat to Mankind in the 21st century. It is a direct consequence and over-reliance on the global hydrocarbon economy- which must swiftly come to an end. We must transition rapidly into an alternative, renewable, non-polluting, free energy based economy founded upon the construction, development and harnessing of solar, wind, zero-point and antigravitic energy sources. The natural gas and electric car bridge economy will be a short transition to an inevitable free energy based economy where energy abundance, rather than energy scacity, will become the central organizing principle of future human development and prosperity.

World population control will also become a central organizing principle of the newly instituted Earth Federation and its executive World Security Council. China once had a successful 1 child per family policy in the past. Its time for all of the nations of the world to come together and recognize that overpopulation is the root cause of most of the global environmental destruction facing our planet today. Its time to collectively agree upon and implement a 1 child per family policy worldwide- enforced by each nations capitol. 8 billion people on Earth (as of 2023) is complete biological overshoot. Sustainable carrying capacity numbers range from 2-3 billion living green, sustainable lifestyles by 2100.

Energy and Resource scarcity affects all living beings on Planet Earth. Abundant, free energy sources in the form of zero-point (for electrical generation) and antigravitic energy (for propulsion and travel), will put a permanent end to the global climate change threat. A reduced world population will ease the stress on the global environmental/ecosystem resource base from which all life depends- especially in the areas of food and water access. Minerals and metals can easily be recycled and re-used.

Finially, a survivable and effective Earth Federation of Nations depends upon the integrity, intelligence, intellectual development and coherence of its subjects. Therefore, free education MUST become a bedrock principle through which all of the Earth's citizens are entitled. With AI (artificial intelligence) and the Internet being and becoming, in essence, the sum of all human knowledge, let there be no limitations as to access, availability or obtainability of the world's knowledge base and experience.

The formation of an Earth Federation is humanity's next evolutionary step towards species maturity and survival. With a World Security Council as its foundation, a Global Environmental Authority, a Global Energy Authority, a Global Water Authority, a Global Population Authority, a Global Education Authority, a Global Food Authority, a Global Religious Authority etc, etc... can arise and take the reigns of solving the world's most pressing global crises- which now require global solutions. Hence, the imperative for a centralized world governmental authority founded upon the formation of a newly constituted Earth Federation.

Let us strive boldly towards creating and instituting an advanced planetary civilization on Earth for humanity for the 21st century. Its time to forge our planetary identity and citizenship and learn to navigate the white water rapids we are now all collectively experiencing.

Its time, its survival, its evolution.

Steve Jones
Global Environmentalist
Lucerne, Switzerland

March 29, 2034


1. Infinite Energy Magazine:

2. ***Book- Infinite Enery Technologies: Telsa, Cold Fusion, Antigravity and the Future of Sustainability, by Finley Eversole:

3. ***Book- Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, Tesla, UFO's and Classified Aerospace Technology, by Paul LaViolette:

4. THRIVE: The Movement/Zero Point Energy:

5. THRIVE 2: This is What it Takes (trailer):

6. Dr Steven Greer: The Deep National Security State:

7. The Secret Space Program:

8. Saving the Planet:

9. Advanced Planetary Civilization:

10. Fade to Black: Jimmy Church Interview with Richard Dolan/Secret Space Program and the Breakaway Civilization, March 30, 2016:

11. Book: The Breakaway Civilization, by Richard Dolan:

12. Dr Steven Greer/Sirius Disclosure:

13. The Free Energy Revolution:

14. The Orion Project's Energy Solutions Plan:

15. Antigravity: For Power and Propulsion:

16. ***Book- The Energy Solution Revolution, by Brian O'Leary:

17. ***Book- Zero Point Energy & The Future, by Thomas Valone:

18. ***Book- Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology, by Thomas Valone:

19. ***Book- The Future of Energy, by Thomas Valone:

20. Global Green New Deal:

21. The Breakaway Civilization:

22. Project 2050:

23. Jonas the Prophet/Brighteon Channel:

24. Advanced Antigravitic Craft and Technology:

25. UN Summit of the Future/2024:

=>Project 2020: Project 2020

=>Project 2050: Project 2050

=>Project 2100: Project 2100

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*** The Urantia Foundation:
*** The URANTIA BOOK (online):

URL of this site: http://prophet7.neocities.org/federation.html