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US Power Grid Shutdown

"Greenhouse gas emissions keep growing. Global temperatures keep rising.
And our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irreversible.
We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator"

-Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations


March 11, 2024

the implosion and takedown of Amerika is at our doorstep in 2024/25. 4 nuclear missiles (2 over the west coast and 2 over the east coast) fired by north korea and iran, respectively, would effectively cause an EMP knockout of the national power grid and essentially bring the Great Satan down to its knees.

With a $35 trillion dollar debt and a $1 trillion dollar interest payment due annually, Amerika has entered a black hole/event horizon/death spiral of no return, which, according to officials at the jewish/zionist/ rothschild owned and controlled US Federal Reserve, is NOT sustainable. A national cyberattack against the US power grid infrastructure would accomplish the same objective if a nuclear EMP strike is ruled out.

Either way, an EMP strike or a cyber power grid shutdown within or over Amerika has my vote. the alternative would be a russian thermonuclear strike against the country, which would amplify the recent climate change induced fires in texas a thousandfold and literally destroy the environment with radiation for decades to come ( a scenario, i,m sure, no-one wants). An EMP strike would get these obscene gas guzzling trucks, SUV,s, planes and helicopters off our streets and out of our airspaces (no more electricity for the gas and aviation pumps). A power grid shutdown would similarily end the antiquated hydrocarbon economy and bring down these right wing, gun toting, climate denying, meat eating, psychotic, lunatic, retard, gas guzzling, over-militarized, red neck, Trump trash here in Amerika.

Trump must NOT be allowed to enter the white house in 2025. As per the World Economc Forum and the objectives of the Great Reset, Amerika and the world cannot go back to "normal", it has to advance a sustainable global green transition agenda on into 2030 and beyond. there,s no turning back now.

There are 8 billion people on planet earth in 2024. Truly the planet is thoroughly overpopulated. there,s too many people creating too many problems everywhere. Everything has to stop. All the greedy, psychotic, insane, out of control development, construction, expansion and destruction of the global environment has got to come to an end. the takedown of the cancer of industrial civilization, beginning with Amerika, would be elegantly accomplished with an EMP strike and/or power grid shutdown of this nation to prove to the world that " business as usual" cannot continue.

Amerika is targeted for severe correction because it is the most overmilitarized nation on earth with a sprawling network of over 800 military bases worldwide. Amerika also has the largest per capita prison population and the greatest level of wealth disparity between rich and poor than any industrialized nation on earth. This nation is the greatest proliferator of pornography and firearms in the world and has done more than any other country to destroy the global environment with its insane levels of CO2 emissions. Second only to China, this nation has thoroughly imprisoned its population with a spy and surveillance control grid, routinely violating the privacy, dignity and sanctity of its citizenry.

Most importantly, the United States of Amerika has, and is centrally and fundamentally responsible, for the deaths of over 40 million (over 6 "jewish" holocausts) innocent men, women and children annually from hunger, starvation, disease and malnutrition worldwide. US policies of corporate profit maximization have weaponized both national and international civil society and turned the world into a barbaric, murderous, exploitative, genocidal, fascist police state devoid of any empathy, care, compassion and concern for the millions who perish under its yoke annually, not to mention the huge swaths of land it has plundered and pillaged for resources in every nation all over the globe. Truly, Amerika and the little zionist bastard state of Israel cannot be allowed to continue in any civilized global society and is thus rightly targeted for judgement, destruction, punishment and severe correction.

I,m sure the forecasters of the rockefeller funded deagel report, who predicted the elimination of over 2/3rds of the 350 million citizens who currenly populate the USA, would jump for joy to see their depopulation forecast parameters (predicting a 60-70% population reduction in Amerika) come to fruition through an EMP strike and/or power grid shutdown of the country by the end of 2025.

make sure to have a water filter.


SK Jona
prophet/global environmentalist
Texas USA



1. Pacifica: Northwest Coast Political Union:

2. Saving the Planet:

3. THRIVE: The Movement:

4. THRIVE 2: This is What it Takes (trailer):

5. Dr Steven Greer: The Deep National Security State:

6. Infinite Energy Technologies:

7. Antigravity: For Power and Propulsion:

8. Advanced Planetary Civilization:

9. The Free Energy Revolution:

10. The Consciousness Revolution:

11. The Global Renaissance:

12. The Quantum Revolution:

13. Global Green New Deal:

14. Mankind's Collision with the Future:

15. Sirius Disclosure/Dr Steven Greer:

16. Jonas the Prophet/Brighteon Channel:

17. Attorney Daniel Sheehan:

18. Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies:

19. Global Marshall Plan

=>Project 2020: Project 2020

=>Project 2050: Project 2050

=>Project 2100: Project 2100

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