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The Collapse of
Human Civilization

"We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse"

~Maurice Strong (Secretary General of the first UN Earth Summit)

The Collapse of Human Civilization- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The Collapse of Human Civilization

Idiocy, evil and dysfuctionalty go global...

The collapse of human civilization has begun. The human species has overstepped its bounds and is now in the process of descending into the genocidal and ecocidal vortex of its own creation. This all could have been avoided if humanity had taken the quantum leap at the turn of the millenium by ending the global hydrocarbon economy. A subsequent and rapid transition into a free energy based system of wealth and prosperity built upon both zero point and antigravitic technologies would have collectivly put us on the path to continuity, salvation and survival. But now that opportunity has forever come and gone. The global corporate system is completely out of control. The politicians and administrators who run the system are completely insane.

World population numbers clearly indicate that humanity is in classic overshoot. With nearly 8 billion people populating Earth in 2024, truly the planet is overpopulated. Sustainability figures put that number at 2-3 billion maximum living green, sustainable, vegan, non-polluting, communal lifestyles. There are simply not enough resources or environmental restoration capabilities to support a projected 10-12 billion population increase by 2050. As well, the supreme international security threat of global climate change now changes everything. Having lost 20 years by not ending the hydrocarbon economy at the turn of the millenium has further compounded the multifacited and multidimensional threats that are now contributing to the inevitable and protracted collapse of human civilization.

Climate change, overpopulation, the failure to rapidly transit to a free energy based economy and a myriad of other major emerging and syneregistic crises' (water scarcity, food insecurity, resource wars, deforestation, desertification, poverty, famine, increased air, water, soil and electromagnetic pollution, species extinction, catastrophic arctic methane releases etc..) are all coelescing together to create a "perfect storm" of world destabilization, chaos, breakdown and social unrest that has never before been experienced on the planet. To further compound matters, a growing digital internet based system of global commerce and communications is being created that is projected to enslave rather than liberate the human species from the electromagnetic spy and surveillance gulag that is increasingly imprisoning humanity. Technology should be used to uphold, protect and defend the rights to privacy, decency, freedom, life and liberty, not destroy, control, undermine, and subjugate them as is currently being done throughout many nations in the world today.

The current dark, demonic, diseased, psychotic, control freak, manipulation obsessed, inverted, privacy violating spy and surveillance prison/police state that has infested many governments, corporations and institutions throughout the world is one of the key critical metrics that are directly responsible for humanity,s current downfall. This is a failure as much as it is a perversion of the proper and natural trajectory of human evolution. Its time that the privacy violating surveillance state be decisively and unequivically crushed out of existence for all time.

On a spiritual/metaphysical/supernatural level, lucifer and the 1/3rd heavenly host who rebelled and fell from heaven in antiquity are now in the final stages of completing their evil plans for mankind on Earth. A tyrannical world government, a "mark of the beast" economic system of buying and selling and an impressive array of weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, electromagnetic, nuclear etc...) are all now coming to the fore to play out the final end-time scenario as foretold in revelational holy scripture. There will be no salvation for this species and for this planet until the dark powers and principalities on high are completely overthrown and destroyed from off the face of this earth. Jesus christ, the messiah, was sent to this planet 2000 years ago to complete this task. So shall it be done with fire and with great vengence in these last and evil days.

The collapse of human civilization is as much a tragedy for the human condition as it is for the evolution of consciousness within the hearts, minds and souls of men (and women) around the world. Devolution and collapse translates into needless and useless suffering, a regressive condition that should not exist amongst so much universal wealth, beauty, ingenuity, intelligence, life force and advanced technology on earth at this time. Thus said, amidst the current throes of destruction, descent and damnation crashing down all around us, let us strive to create as many oasises of sanity, peace, uprightness and physical/spiritual comfort as we can to try to escape and pass through the dark days that are now fully upon us. As scripture has so duly noted, let us strive to endure to the end. We must now all become genuine overcomers of the supreme tragedy that has now unfortunately befallen mankind.

Most importantly, lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh...


SK Jona
Prophet/Global Environmentalist
Astana, Kazahzstan

September 21, 2031


1. The Great Holocaust:

2. Saving the Planet:

3. THRIVE: The Movement:

4. THRIVE 2: This is What it Takes (trailer):

5. Dr Steven Greer: The Deep National Security State:

6. Infinite Energy Technologies:

7. Antigravity: For Power and Propulsion:

8. Advanced Planetary Civilization:

9. The Free Energy Revolution:

10. The Consciousness Revolution:

11. The Global Renaissance:

12. The Quantum Revolution:

13. Global Green New Deal:

14. Mankind's Collision with the Future:

15. Sirius Disclosure/Dr Steven Greer:

16. Jonas the Prophet/Brighteon Channel:

17. Attorney Daniel Sheehan:

18. Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies:

19. Global Marshall Plan

20. The Climate Denier Cult

21. The REAL Agenda 2030

=>Project 2020: Project 2020

=>Project 2050: Project 2050

=>Project 2100: Project 2100

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*** The Urantia Foundation:
*** The URANTIA BOOK (online):

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