The REAL Agenda 2030


There was and is NO global pandemic. There is ONLY the supreme threat of global climate change.

The so-called covid 19 pandemic was and is only a cover to hide the fact that global climate change is destroying the very fabric, functionality and future of human civilization.

The false narrative that is being peddled by the satanic jewish rothschild global elite and the worldwide media and propaganda outlets they own and control, is only about proliferating lies, obfuscation, dis-information and deception. This global pandemic scare is being used to accomplish a number of tasks; 1) to kill off a large portion of the world,s population with a global depopulation agenda, (forced vaccinations) 2) to get every man, woman and child on earth digitally registered within the UN,s ID2020 agenda, (vaccine passports) 3) to turn everyone on earth into a trackable, traceable and enslaveable QR code to be used within a cashless social credit "mark of the beast" system of buying and selling, 4) to preserve, protect and defend the trillions of dollars, euros, yuan, and rubles the global elite have invested in the planet,s oil, gas, coal, electric and nuclear energy infrastructure (which they have no intention of abandoning, especially with over 1/2 of the world,s population slated to be exterminated by Big Pharma,s covid injections by 2030), and 5) to transition human civilization into a fake and ineffective "greenwashed" global green economy by 2030, which they will solely own, run and control.

To the latter point lies the mandate to establish UN Agenda 2030, which will be an attempt to consolidate a global technocratic police state along the lines of the current chinese communist empire and their rothschild banking overlords within the decade of the roaring 2020,s. To this end, they will attempt to limit global carbon and methane emissions to keep the earth,s average median temperature increase under 3 degrees celsius (already catastrophic), to establish a net-zero global carbon economy by 2050 (too late) and to erect a dystopian technocratic scientific dictatorship over human civilization as soon as economically feasable (untenable).

In order for Agenda 2030 to be truly successful and durable in the long run, the plans and implementation of a global technocratic/communist police state have to be decisively abandoned. All the cameras, illegal physical and economic surveillance, tracking, tracing, monitoring and corporate police state spying must be criminalized and effectively terminated. Also swiftly terminated must be the global hydrocarbon economy and its trillions $$$ in global infrastructure. A free energy economy founded on both zero-point (electrical generation) and anti-gravitic (for power and propulsion) energy must evolve and rapidly be instituted worldwide. Agenda 2030 can only succeed within a framework of freedom, liberty, dignity, equity and justice. Digital enslavement, technocratic authoritarianism, corporate dictatorial control and agendas of purposeful depopulation, death and ecological destruction in service to wealth, power, priviledge and greed must end or human civilization and the biosphere will not survive the 21st century.

S Jones
Global Environmentalist
Tuscon, Arizona

1. Saving the Planet:
2. Global Green New Deal:
3. Global Depopulation Agenda:
4. The Free Energy Revolution:
5. Global 4th Reich or Advanced Planetary Civilization?:
6. The Crisis of Human Civilization:
7. Planet Management: the New World Enterprise:
8. Global Marshall Plan/Projects 2020, 2050 and 2100: AND AND
9. Antigravity for Power and Propulsion :
10. World Economic Forum Great Reset Guidelines:
11. The Quantum Revolution:
12. The Radical Restructuring of Human Civilization:
13. The Rising Eurasian Economic Union/September 2022:
14. UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development:
15. The Breakaway Civilization:
16. The Chinese CCP: Supreme Enemy of Mankind:
17. Earth Federation:
18. The Climate Denier Cult:
19. The Collapse of Human Civilization:
20. The Evolution of Planetary Consciousness:
21. Planetary Ecocide: The Next Stage of Human (D)evolution:
22. Islam: The Crown of Creation:

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