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Infinite Energy Technologies

"the only true prophets are those who carve out the future"
-James Connelly (Irish Revolutionary)

"We already have the means to travel amongst the stars"
-Ben Rich (former head of Lockheed Skunkworks)

Infinite Energy Technologies- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Infinite energy technologies are the way of the future. Both zero-point (for electrical generation) and antigravity (for power and propulsion) can provide free, limitless, non-polluting energy for humanity.

In order for human civilization to survive the 21st century, it is now REQUIRED that the transition to a free energy economy become reality. Free Energy systems must become the bedrock foundation for all human production, endeavor and existence from now on into the immediate future.

The hydrocarbon economy is over, despite what global depopulation eugencists say and promote as business as usual. Preserving the hydrocarbon economy after 90% of Earth's population is "culled" is NOT an option. The internal combustion engine and the burning of fossil fuels is destroying the biosphere and must be decisively abandoned. The transition to an electric (car) economy should have been made at the turn of the millennium. The natural gas and electric (car) economy should have been a short bridge to an emerging free energy economy that should be materializing by 2025 (at the latest). Major, major mistakes have been made by Big Oil executives (the REAL eco-terrorists), and their right wing funded deniers and propagandists, who have delayed and usurped the natural evolutionary timeline for the advancement and incorporation of free energy systems into the global energy infrastructure of the planet. The unnatural and inhumane supression of free energy systems is costing us all the health and survivability of the biosphere. The use of free energy systems could easily have mitigated the millions of hours of needless toil, pain, suffering and agony of human labor that were necessary to accomplish the many tasks associated with running human society. As such, the deliberate supression of free energy will go down in the history books as one of the greatest crimes committed in all of human history.

Thus said, it is good and right to continue to develop, construct and deploy decentralized rooftop solar and small scale wind turbine technologies for free energy extraction from the natural environment. However, zero-point technologies for electrical generation are the quintessential, non-polluting, infinite, decentralized and appropriate free energy systems to be harnessed for human society in the 21st century. This technology is already fully developed and just needs to be mass produced, freely distributed and hooked up to existing electrical grids.

Antigravitic free energy technologies can be harnessed primarily for propulsion within the transportation sector. With antigravitic vehicles, the cost of travel will essentially be zero, allowing all Earth's inhabitants the ability to travel freely, unmolested and on their way with no limitation as to distance or need to re-fuel. Finally, after billions of years of painstaking evolution, we can break the chains that have kept Mankind imprisoned from being able to achieve complete freedom of mobility. The harnessing of both zero-point and anti-gravitic free energy systems will be celebrated as complete days of liberation from the shackles that have kept the human species from developing its full potential for so long.

The unleashing of infinite energy technologies such as solar, wind, zero-point and anti-gravity will allow humanity, for the first time ever, to provide every man, woman and child on Earth with the minimum basic necessities necessary for human survival. Today, 3 billion people (roughly 1/3rd of the human population), lack access to food, water, sanitation and shelter. Free energy systems will provide the means through which these critical needs can be met, as well as cultivate the level of consciousness necessary for us to collectively transition and evolve into a new green stewardship paradigm of human living and existence.

Its time to abandon the hundred trillion dollar global hydrocarbon energy infrastructure worldwide. It is antiquated, destructive to the global ecosystem and a threat to human health and well-being all over the world. It has fueled overdevelopment, massive environmental destruction, overpopulation and the non-sustainability of our food, water, soil and land resources. In essence, the global hydrocarbon economy is a clear and present danger to human civilization and must be swiftly terminated.

Infinite energy technologies will uplift humanity to a level that will allow us to collectively survive the 21st century. Without it, we are doomed to ultimate collapse and destruction. It is the golden key that will unlock all doors needed for us to evolve, survive, prosper and build an advanced civilization on Earth in the not too distant future. Relying of soft free energy technologies such as with solar and wind alone (while still needed) are not enough. They are unreliable and cannot sufficiently meet the needs of a thriving, high tech, highly mobile, civilization. Hard core free energy technologies such as zero-point and antigravity can reliably fullfill those needs and basic energy requirements.

Finally, let it be stated for the record that infinite energy technologies will allow human civilization to travel off-planet, both to our local solar system and ultimately to the stars. Supraluminal, transdimensional, interstellar travel is surely a more desirable trajectory for human endeavor than the current psychotic obsession by the military-industrial-complex for more weapons and warfare. Talent, resources and energy spent building a global orwellian spy and surveillance police state control grid would be better spent if re-directed and invested in infrastructure designed to improve our environmental living conditions here on Earth. The development of infinite energy technologies is as great a breakthrough as the discovery and use of fire by Man throughout humanity's long arduous evolutionary history. Erecting a platform for space travel, exploration and eventual off-planet settlement is humanity's next evolutionary step and would seem to be a much more worthy venture for the human enterprise to engage in in the future.

Steve Jones
Global Environmentalist
Basel, Switzerland

March 21, 2030


1. Infinite Energy Magazine:

2. ***Book- Infinite Energy Technologies: Telsa, Cold Fusion, Antigravity and the Future of Sustainability, by Finley Eversole:

3. ***Book- Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, Tesla, UFO's and Classified Aerospace Technology, by Paul LaViolette:

4. THRIVE: The Movement/Zero Point Energy:

5. THRIVE 2: This is What it Takes (trailer):

6. Dr Steven Greer: The Deep National Security State:

7. The Secret Space Program:

8. Saving the Planet:

9. Advanced Planetary Civilization:

10. Fade to Black: Jimmy Church Interview with Richard Dolan/Secret Space Program and the Breakaway Civilization, March 30, 2016:

11. Book: The Breakaway Civilization, by Richard Dolan:

12. Dr Steven Greer/Sirius Disclosure:

13. The Free Energy Revolution:

14. The Orion Project's Energy Solutions Plan:

15. Antigravity: For Power and Propulsion:

16. ***Book- The Energy Solution Revolution, by Brian O'Leary:

17. ***Book- Zero Point Energy & The Future, by Thomas Valone:

18. ***Book- Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology, by Thomas Valone:

19. ***Book- The Future of Energy, by Thomas Valone:

20. Global Green New Deal:

21. The Breakaway Civilization:

22. Project 2050:

23. Jonas the Prophet/Brighteon Channel:

24. Advanced Antigravitic Craft and Technology:

25. Earth Federation:

26. US Power Grid Shutdown:

=>Project 2020: Project 2020

=>Project 2050: Project 2050

=>Project 2100: Project 2100

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*** The Urantia Foundation:
*** The URANTIA BOOK (online):

URL of this site: http://prophet7.neocities.org/infinite.html